Village of Ontonagon
Village of Ontonagon will hold a public hearing on the proposed CWSRF Sanitary System Improvements project for the purpose of receiving comments from interested persons. The hearing will be held at on Monday, April 24, 2023, at the Ontonagon Village Hall, 315 Quartz Street, Ontonagon, MI 49953. The purpose of the proposed project is to improve the condition and reliability of the sanitary sewer system as well as expand the sanitary sewer system on to Rose Island. Currently, two lift stations have pumps that are nonoperational, and all of the lift stations have numerous components that are beyond their useful life; select manholes are in need of replacement and several others are in need of repair or lining; portions of the sanitary sewer main are in need of replacement or lining; and storm water is entering the sanitary system at several locations. At the wastewater lagoons, flow control valves are leaking and fencing is down. Lastly, on Rose Island, there is the potential of sewer leaking into the Ontonagon River with the current septic systems in place. The project will involve lift station replacement and improvement; manhole replacement, repair, and lining; sanitary sewer main replacement and lining; removal of storm water entrance locations; replacement of flow control valves and fencing at the lagoons; and expansion of sanitary sewer on to Rose Island. The negative impacts expected with the proposed project is the potential for rate increases. Positive impacts include a more efficient and reliable sanitary sewer system, removal of the potential for sewer leaking into the Ontonagon River, and the mitigation of storm water entering the sanitary sewer system. The estimated cost to users for the proposed project will be $5,600,000.
Copies of the plan detailing the proposed project are available for inspection at the Ontonagon Village Hall. Written comments received before the hearing record is closed on April 24, 2023, will receive responses in the final project plan. Written comments should be sent to the Ontonagon Village Hall, Attn: William DuPont, 315 Quartz Street, Ontonagon, MI 49953 or by email [email protected]
The Draft Project Plan can be reviewed here: Ontonagon CWSRF Project Plan DRAFT
The Final Project Plan can be reviewed here: Ontonagon CWSRF Project Plan FINAL
The Sewer Rate Study performed by Baker Tilly can be viewed here: Sewer Rate Study