NOTICE is hereby given that the Village of Ontonagon will hold a public meeting on the proposed Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Water System Improvements Project from interested persons. The meeting will be held on Monday May 22, 2023 at at the Ontonagon Village Hall, 315 Quartz Street, Ontonagon, MI 49953. The purpose of the proposed project is to make necessary improvements to the regional system due to the age and deteriorated condition of watermain and an elevated water storage tank. Project construction will involve replacement of 24,500 linear feet of the existing 36-inch transmission main from the water treatment plant in White Pine to the raw water pump station located in Silver City, decommissioning of the existing White Pine water tower, installing a smaller capacity tower with a mixing system, and construction restoration. Short-Term impacts of the proposed project include temporary impacts due to activities during construction such as road closures, dust, and noise. There are no known long-term impacts of the proposed project. The estimated cost to users for the proposed project will be determined once the State announces final grant and loan awards.
Copies of the plan detailing the proposed project are available for inspection at the following location(s):
Village of Ontonagon
Office of the Village Clerk
315 Quartz Street
Ontonagon, MI 49953
(906) 884-2305
Written comments received before the meeting record is closed at 3:00 P.M. on Monday May 22, 2023 will receive responses in the final project planning document. Written comments should be sent to:
Village of Ontonagon
315 Quartz Street
Ontonagon, MI 49953
(906) 884-2305
Project Plan can be reviewed here: Ontonagon DW Project Plan DRAFT