The Village of Ontonagon is accepting applications for part-time seasonal Harbor Attendants.
Responsibilities are to assist in the operations of the Ontonagon Marina. Marina operates May through October.
Applications and job descriptions are available at Village of Ontonagon Office.
Applications due by March 31, 2025 at 9:30 a.m.
Contact the Village Office for any information or questions at 906-884-2305
Be available May through October.
Be available daily though out the Marina season at least 3 hours daily per day in the morning. Tentative hours are 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Duties include but are not limited to selling gas, pump out boats, and be of general assistance to boaters.
Serve transients in providing keys, Marina rates and policies, and general information on community services.
Collect fees for daily gas sales, transient fees, launch ramp fees, and other applicable fees and levi fines per Village Ordinance. Reconcile cash collections with inventory/service fees daily.
Village office personnel will assist with monies collections as deemed and needed.
Maintain accurate and precise financial information and various usage logs.
Assure compliance with applicable rates, regulations and fees for all users and services offered.
Assist in maintaining Marina and park facilities. Daily responsibilities including but not limited to pick up trash, cleaning Marina harbor office, cleaning restrooms and showers, exterior building maintenance and upkeep, and cleaning fish cleaning station.
Report to the Village Manager all maintenance needs, problems, issues and questions.
Be courteous and professional in conduct at all times.